Lok Sin Tong is applying for the 1st batch “Special Scheme on Privately Owned Sites for Welfare Uses” under the Labour and Welfare Bureau, and the School is scheduled to be closed in August 2019 for redevelopment.
Under the Special Scheme, the School which is adjacent to the Lok Sin Tong headquarters will be redeveloped for welfare complex in the coming years. The School will be left temporarily vacant for redevelopment assessment, to optimize the use of resources and site utilization; and establish a model of converting school premises to transitional housing for reference, Lok Sin Tong proposed to convert the school premises into “Transitional Social Housing” and period of use is expected to be no less than three years.
Click here to know more details
Aims to provide affordable rent and short-term relief of housing demand for low-income families which are queuing for Public Rental Housing (PRH) and living in dismal condition, improve their living environment and quality of life.
- To provide transitional social housing with affordable rent and relieve financial burden for the low-income families which are waiting for the PRH
- To improve the living condition and quality of the deprived
- To strengthen “Community-based” services support, such as medical subsidy, after-school learning services
- To analyze the influence of the policy of “transitional social housing” through the evaluation of project’s outcome and relevant statistics
Location: 63 Lung Kong Road, Kowloon City
Number of Units: Around 50
Types: 2-person to 4-person household unit
- Living in inadequate housing condition or in urgent need of community supports, and having queued for PRH for no less than 3 years, AND
- Receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) or having a monthly income not exceed 55% of Median Monthly Domestic Household Income (MMDHI) will be given priority
- Download form HERE or
- Online Application
- Obtain form at LST headquarters in person
- In person or mailing to LST headquarters
- Email to [email protected]
- Fax or other submission format will NOT be accepted
Tel: 2272-9888 / 2382-1576
Email: [email protected]
Address: 61 Lung Kong Road, Kowloon City