Centre Background

Our Centre was established in November 1990. Mr Chan Wai Kwan (陳偉君先生), Assistant Director of Social Welfare Department, attended our opening ceremony in September 1991. Mr Chan Lap (陳立先生), our Permanent Advisor, donated HK$150,000 to fulfill the wish of his mother, Mrs Chan Lai Jeong Kiu. To acknowledge his generous donation, our Centre was named as "Lok Sin Tong Chan Lai Jeong Kiu Social Centre for the Elderly". In 2014, our Centre was upgraded to "Lok Sin Tong Chan Lai Jeong Kiu Neighbourhood Elderly Centre” in order to enhance the supporting services to elderly and carers.


Services Vision

The ultimate goal of NEC is to enable elderly persons to continue to stay in the community, to lead a healthy, respectful and dignified life, to enhance their positive and contributory role and to involve the public to build up a caring community.


Services Objectives

(1) To maintain and promote the health of the elders;
(2) To help the elderly use of their spare time and adapt to life;
(3) To develop and strengthen the elderly neighbor mutual aid network;
(4) To promote lifelong learning and participation in voluntary work for the elders to realize their potential;
(5) To provide appropriate support to relieve the stress of carers;
(6) To promote the spirit of "respect" and "caring" for the elderly in the community.


Service Targets

(1) Elderly Member: Age 60 or above
(2) Young Elders: People aged 55 to 59 (YO)
(3) Carers, Volunteers and Community at large


Application Procedures for elderly member:

Bring the following to the Centre in operating hours:
(1) ID card
(2) Annual membership Fee $21

(Elderly membership start from 1April of each year to 31 March of the next year)


Contact Person and Telephone

Opening Hour:
Monday to Saturday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday & Public Holiday: Closed

Centre-in-Charge contact number: 2573 2270


Please refer to the relevant website:
Lok Sin Tong Chan Lai Jeong Kiu Neighbourhood Elderly Centre (Chinese version only)