The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon has been cooperating with Dr Elizabeth Wang Ming Chun, GBS (Liza Wang) on different charity events to express care and love to the elderly. “Shun Hing Group Presents - Liza Wang: A Diva in Concert” will be held in November 2024. Donors may join Liza Wang in supporting Lok Sin Tong elderly services by donation. Every HK$880 donation is entitled with a concert ticket while stock lasts.
九龍樂善堂本年獲騰訊基金會邀請,成為「久久公益節」配捐活動受惠機構之一,善長凡於9月1日至10日期間,透過WeChat Pay HK捐款支持樂善堂「樂善關懷基金」,騰訊基金會將以一比一配對捐款。
Allergic Rhinitis could be seasonal or perennial by dust, hair, etc. It is recognized as the hyperactive reaction to the allergen and causing irritation to eye, nose, pharynx and larynx.
“TianJiu" is a traditional Chinese medicine method. The medicine patch is a mixture of different Chinese medicine and some ginger juice. Then, it is applied to specific acupoint by absorption. It does not only help in blood circulation, regulating the functions of organs, strengthen our immune system and also treat allergic rhinitis as well.
To provide a more comfortable environment, and to serve more people in need and improve the quality of service, The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon established “Lok Sin Tong Cheng Wan Man Wai Medical Centre” on the Ground Floor of The Golden Gate at Tai Po since June 11, 2024, providing professional yet affordable Chinese Medicine and dental services to the general public.
PHARM+ Lok Sin Tong Community Pharmacy provides accessible and affordable dispensing services. Services commenced in May this year, providing medication consultation, advice on chronic diseases and minor ailments, and promote health literacy and safe use of medication.
Lok Sin Tong Territory-wide Flag Day 2024 “Lok Sin Tong Territory-wide Flag Day 2024” will be held on 13th July with the theme of our mission “To reli...
本堂接受青年發展委員會撥款資助,有關撥款的核數報告,已經獨立核數師審核,現上載於本堂網頁供所有員工及公眾瀏覽(只有中文版本)。如有查詢,歡迎致電2382-1576聯絡總幹事辦公室戴綺琪女士。(上載日期: 2024年5月20日) 附件: 2023 - 24年度青年內地交流資助計劃核數報告...
Lok Sin Tong Charity Gala Premiere – “Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In” Donation for Limited Charity Gala Premiere Tickets (Set of 2) To raise fu...
九龍樂善堂2024年度常務總理會於4月1日履新,2024年度主席莫文韜先生承諾來年會與新任常務總理會一同努力,發揮「關懷情真、樂善同行」精神,繼續推動更多優質服務,惠澤市民。 九龍樂善堂2024年度常務總理會:
九龍樂善堂年度旗艦活動「樂善『糖』甜心行動 2024」久違四年,本年度將回歸以實體形式進行義賣!3月16日至3月17日,善長可到全港指定商場及戶外地點的慈善攤位認購樂善「糖」,亦可透過本堂之網上商店「樂善商店」認購,將愛心傳遞。是次活動所籌得之善款均用作支援特殊學習需要(SEN)兒童及其照顧者,關注精神健康。