Introduction of "LST Buddy"

To promote volunteering among the public, Lok Sin Tong launched a volunteer program – “LST Buddy”. The synergistic matching system of “LST Buddy” does not only ensures the effective allocation of resources to subsidiary units, but also assigns eligible volunteers with suitable services, which helps them attaining personal growth in return. By providing quality and continuous charitable services to the community, we hope to make “LST Buddy” an excellent motivator of volunteering.


To provide value-added and quality volunteer services to the deprived and the public through collaboration with all sectors or stakeholders in the community.


Membership and Entry Criteria 

Membership Individual Volunteer Group Volunteer
Entry Criteria Aged above 15, interested in volunteering for community service
(Applicant aged 6-14 needs to be endorsed by parent or guardian)
Group or Corporate interested in volunteering for community service


Subscribe eNews / Register as "LST Buddy"

Interested Individual or Group could subscribe our eNews in the right top hand corner or by email to [email protected]. Registered "LST Buddy" will be received the latest service email of our volunteer service.



Email: [email protected]

Tel:2272-9810 (LST Buddy)