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Lok Sin Tong Territory-wide Flag Day 2024

“Lok Sin Tong Territory-wide Flag Day 2024” will be held on 13th July with the theme of our mission “To relieve victims of disasters & to console people in distress; To provide quality medical care & free medicine; To promote education & to cultivate youngsters; To care for the old & nurture the young”. We sincerely invite you to join us as a volunteer, or donate to get a Gold Flag to support the needy in society! Details are as follows:

Date: 13th July 2024

Time: 7:00am – 12:30pm

Venue: Territory-wide

Target: Recruit 5,000 volunteers

PSP License no.: FD/T008/2024

Funds raised will be used to support Lok Sin Tong's medical, educational, elderly care and social welfare services.

SupportLok Sin Tong Territory-wide Flag Day 2024”

  1. Flag Day Volunteers
  2. Donate to get a Gold Flag
  3. Corporates / Organisations / Individual sponsorship


1.  Flag Day Volunteers

  • Individual Volunteers: aged 14 or above will each be given ONE flag bag.
  • Family Group Volunteers: aged under 14 must be accompanied by 1-2 parents or guardians, and each group will be given ONE flag bag.

Register with the link below:

Volunteers will receive a confirmation email within 5 working days after successful registration.

  • Corporates / Organisations (10 volunteers or above)
    Please contact Ms. LIU, Corporate Resource Development Department (Tel: 2272-9808 / Email: [email protected])

*Corporates / Organisations with a minimum of 30 volunteers participate in will be awarded a Certificate of Active Participation.

Every group of volunteers will receive an e-certificate of participation and a coupon sponsored by Hoi Tin Tong.


2. Donate to get a Gold Flag

For every donation of $100 or above, donor will receive a Gold Flag.

Limited copies. Let’s join us and donate now while stocks last!

*The Top Corporates / Organisations with the highest amount of fund raised will be awarded Top Fundraising Award.

*The winner is entitled to have its brand name acknowledgement in online press advertisement, our website and social media etc.


Donation Method

  1. By Cheque / Bank transfer
    Please complete the donation form (Click here to download) and mail it with the cheque / pay slip to Corporate Resource Development Department.
  2. Online Donation
    You can make online donations through the LST Online Donation Platform via PayPal, AlipayHK, FPS, or PayMe.
    LST Online Donation Platform:
    Please select the donation Item “Lok Sin Tong Territory-wide Flag Day 2024”

*An official receipt will be issued within a month after the end of the event for each donation of HK$100 or above, which is tax deductible in Hong Kong.

3. Corporates / Organisations / Individual sponsorship

  • The levels of sponsorships (in terms of Gold Flag Donation and Direct Donation) are available:
    - HK$30,000 or above
    - HK$20,000 or above
    - HK$8,000 or above
  • Donations of $30,000 or above is entitled to be nominated for the Caring Company Scheme by Lok Sin Tong.
  • Donations of $8,000 or above is entitled to include brand name acknowledgement in online press advertisement, our website and social media etc.

Click here to sponsor


Coupon sponsor – Hoi Tin Tong



Corporate Resource Development Department

Tel: 2272-9808

WhatsApp: 5485-1633 or click to start conversation

Fax: 2382-1811

Email: [email protected]

